2012 Return Of Quetzalcoatl Pdf Files

The notion that December 21, 2012 will bring physical catastrophes, a transformation of consciousness,. Its GMT-correlated date of December 21, 2012 have resulted in a bewildering plethora of publications. Pinchbeck, D. 2006, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Jeremy P. Noisia Split The Atom Rarest. Tacher/Penguin, New York.
A year ago psychedelic luminary Daniel Pinchbeck published a widely discussed article. He bashed the event’s destructive waste and hypocrisy about environmental values, and made it OK for some of the cool kids to take a year off: Burning Man has accomplished amazing things, opening up whole new realms of individual freedom and culture expression. At the same time the festival has become a bit of a victim of its own success. It has become a massive entertainment complex, a bit like Disney World for a contingent made up mostly of the wealthy elite. It always had this vibe, to some extent, but it seems more pronounced in recent years.
It feels like there is more and more of less and less. The potential for some kind of authentic liberation or awakening seems increasingly obscure and remote. Well, Mad Max must have pulled a handbrake turn, because now he’s charging off in the opposite direction:. The festival expanded my sense of what art was and could be. It rewired my sense of what human beings are capable of. The shock has been permanent—my desire for more of it remains addictive.
Did somebody get to Daniel? His previous article caused some problems at BMHQ. It triggered Ryan Kushner to petition Burning Man to live up to its “Leave No Trace” ethic. BMorg responded with a December 2015 post entitled, which followed their classic propaganda template: 1. Blame others, 2. Say you’re taking the concerns very seriously, 3. Promise something “coming soon”: The Change.org petition incorrectly claimed that Cooling Man (2007) was the last time an emissions analysis was done for Burning ManThe 2012-2016 Burning Man EA, which considers a BRC population of 58,000-70,000 participants, conducted a thorough analysis of air quality emissions..an extensive quantitative analysis was deemed unnecessary and not conducted There are choices to make about how we burn, and how we get to and from Black Rock City that will determine our future carbon footprint.
So what happens now? Black Rock Solar and Burning Man staff are exploring ways we can help our organization and our participants learn about and invest in both decarbonized or carbon-neutral power solutions and meaningful offsets for carbon emissions we cannot reduce.
We look forward to working together with participants on this important issue. Stay tuned for more to come. [] We’ve stayed tuned the whole year, but BMorg don’t seem to have done much about it. They seem more concerned about determining, than they are about reducing our environmental footprint. I haven’t heard any plans for a trash incinerator or recycling depot at Flysalen. Black Rock Solar was a, but seems to have gone very quiet since being re-assimilated into the Borg. They reduced the number of vehicle passes, but doubled their price. Free 3ds Max And Vray Tutorials Video And Pdf Download From 3dats.