Adventurecraft R1095 Download
Note AdventureCraft is compatible with 1.3.2 via its installer but it only has features from beta 1.7.3 and back. AdventureCraft, is a stand alone Min. R1095 - NPC Pathing Blocks. I've had a moment finally to finish up and polish the NPC pathing block so I could release it. As well, this version includes the ability to have camera blocks not pause the game. Tomorrow I will put together a short tutorial on using the NPC pathing blocks.

Heres the link -->find download click the download link and ones there extract all and click on the adventurecraft.jar and install via login download log into u account and download any mods. Use install if you dont have the full account. Click via login install and it'll say login and password and type you ful. L acount password and account.this is a safe website comes from minecraftforums/watch?v=vKck6wNLUqA if this says click install dont click install unless you dont have a full game account to log in u account click on via log install and u dont need winRAR to do this i didnt have winRAR and still downloaded it but you need Java.also if the video says you need winrara you dont need to if you have java.dont have java you might need to use winRAR goodluck! UPDATE: since there only a 1.3.2 you have to install it without you account cause it will never let you sign in. Unless you have a website that has an update on it pls let me know. Higher than 1.3.2.
1.3.2 i only know right now.
Note AdventureCraft is compatible with 1.3.2 via its installer but it only has features from beta 1.7.3 and back. AdventureCraft, is a stand alone Minecraft mod designed to let players create adventure maps for other players. It allows you have full control of how mobs spawn based on the player triggering blocks with a custom trigger system. There is plenty of additional features as well to aid with making adventures that you can check out in the features section or the various youtube videos of features. I have included a small sample map showing off some of the early features.
This Week's Latest Map This is a neat map all taking place pretty much in a single room, similar to Spawned. New Boot Camp Drivers more. But unlike Spawned this map is all based around various difficult challenges. Its quite a hard map but if you get stuck there is a walk through included in the map directory. If you like the map make sure to head over to Lahleon's thread to click on his link! Fan Made Trailer Sample Map Trailer Recent Feature Videos Feature List • Blocks not destroyable/placeable by players • Trigger System • • Triggerable Music and Sound Effects • • • Scripting System • Uses Javascript • Mob Spawners can trigger javascript on spawning, on death, and on ticks while spawned • Script block which can be triggered to run a script or execute a script on detrigger or always ticking while loaded. • Musical instruments which with user inputted songs can trigger scripts.