
Cccam Script Install

Cccam Script Install

Easily to install soft-cam OE(2.0) 11OE2 Polar Image ( Read Info File) ( CCcam 2.3.0, 1. Download Ncaa Football Ps4 more. 20 en oscam Scam 3,59, inclusief alle lancering scripts ) Softcam Manager OE(2.0) 7OE2 ( Tested on Original Image / OoZoon and LT Image ) De handleiding is te vinden op het forum bij de 114 SoftcamManagerOE2.0 1 goede posting is vereist om bij de handleidingen te komen Extra Url Opendroid E2 23 OE2 ( Extra Url ) For opendroid Images 6.2 CCcam 2.3.0 for Sifteam OE2. 0 9OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 for ItalySat OE2. 0 2 OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 for scm-cam OE2. 0 3OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 Merlin2-cam-feed OE2. 0 4 OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 Merlin2 OE2.

Hello to all i had made a tuto for installing CCcam on ubuntu but a lot of people had still problems installing it. So i made a script for this. There is still a small thing to do sorry, but its easy.!! You have to install Ubuntu i like the 8.04.3 LTS the most! The desktop edition.

Cccam Auto Install Script

0 15 OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 New Dreamelite (4) E2 5 OE2 ( Extra Url ) CCcam 2.3.0 OoZoon E2 6 OE2 ( script) Cam Feed For Power Board OE2. 0 26O E2 ( Arm and Ipk ) CCcam 2.3.0 for Newnigma2 OE2. 0 1 OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 for OoZoon OE2. 0 8OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 for aff / Atv OE2. 0 12 OE2 ( ipk File ) OpenATV Softcam_Collection OE2. 0 22 OE2 ( Collection ) Cam feed for Atv 6.0.

0 27OE2 ( cam feed ) 0 2.3.0 New Dreamelite E2 13 OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam for Euro-Sat-Image 1.2 E2 19 OE2 ( Extra Url ) CCcam for Euro-Sat-Image 2.0 E2 28 OE2 ( Extra Url ) CCcam 2.3.0 for Euro-Sat-Image 1.2 E2 24 OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.2.1 for Euro-Sat-Image 1.2 E2 25 OE2 ( ipk File ) CCcam 2.3.0 for Powersat OE2. 0 21 OE2 ( ipk File ) Geminiplugin ( For use with new Experimental Image OE 2.0 ) ( Install both files) ( Gemini3 Wizard v0.17 - and - gp-cam-feed 0.4) ( E 2 ) Gemini3 Wizard v0.17 OE(2.0) 4 OE2 ( Gemini 3 BluePanel Installer ) ( E 2 ) gp-cam-feed 0.4 OE(2.0) 7 OE2 ( Gemini 3 BluePanel Installer ) De handleiding is te vinden op het forum bij de 113 Gemini Plugin op een Originele Dreambox Image 1 goede posting is vereist om bij de handleidingen te komen Secret Feed Install_V2.1 OE(2.0) 20 OE2 ( Installer for different Images) CCcam 2.3.0 Vu+ OE 2.0 Vu+ CCcam 2.3.0 for - Black Hole OE2. 0 10OE2 ( ipk File ) Vu+ CCcam 2.3.0 - Bh -pli-vti-vix OE2. 0 14OE2 ( ipk File ) Vu+ CCcam 2.3.0 for aff / Atv OE2. 0 12 OE2 ( ipk File ) Vu+ CCcam for aff / Atv OE2.

0 16 OE2 ( cam feed ) Vu+ CCcam 2.3.0 for vix OE2. 0 17 OE2 ( ipk File ) Vu+ WiCard-1.18 VU+BH OE2. 0 18 OE2 ( ipk File ) / MgCamd Emu M gCamd Remember the Number and download here >>>Registration or Login needed for Download.

A how to guide on how to install CCCam 2.2.1 on Debian Linux based PCs which are being used to run emulators, media centers, card sharing services etc. The automatic script takes care of everything. Automated CCcam2.2.1 Install Package For Debian Linux based PC servers.

This will install CCcam 2.2.1 on any machine running Debian 6, The script is based on CC_Shares Debian5 Install package for earlier CCcam versions, the reqired libs to run later versions of CCcam are dowloaded & installed automatically. First download the Debian 32 net install package ( 2.2.0 & 2.2.1 are not available in 64) HERE: You now have the choice of burning it to a cd or using: Use Whichever you prefer Continue to install Debian to your machine it is up to yourself if you want a graphical interface but the only option that is required is Webserver, the script will install everything else you need when you run it later. DrF I’d like to let you in on what I got now. 1.PC with Debian Gnome (server) – Thank to this guide 2. Dreambox with ccam. Guide 1 is unneccessary.

Guide 2 and 3 is something I already have done earlier. And the last guide is something I can’t do due to the fact that I do not own two DB’s. I appreciate the guides and will bookmark them for use in the future! My mission is that I want to start sharing my clines with other peers who aren’t in the same network as me (other cities).