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My family and friends have been harassing me for owning/running 3 desktops (with several harddrives to make like I have even more pc's) and one laptop. I just realized when looking at the Gallery of 'Workstation', most posters own at least 3 PC's.

All of a sudden, I feel as if I'm among friends. How many pc's do you own and under what OS's? Other threads have already asked what you use your pc's for so I don't want to duplicate the discussion. I'm just curious what the distribution of pc ownership is.
If you would like to give some description of their usage, that would be good too. 1 - AMD64 3200, 1.0 Gig Ram, Fedora Core 5 1 - ECS, Duron 1.7 GHz, 512 M Ram, CentOS 4 (file and web server) 1 - MSI, P4 1.8 GHz, 1 Gig Ram, CentOS 4 (file and print server) 1 - ThinkPad A31, XP Laptop, P4 1.8 GHz, 384 M Ram 1 - Acer Aspire 5002 Laptop, AMD Turion 64, 1 Gig Ram, 100 Gig HD, Ubuntu 8.04 as host and Fedora 9 in Virtualbox, Original WinXP removed. 1 - eeePC 1 - MAC Book Pro 1 - Acer Aspire One Netbook 1 - Asus eeePC 1000 - eeebuntu 1 - HP 1000 Netbook Stats update: So far, looking at those who voted, the 1 pc owner is the minority. We need more voters.
Computer Shopper 'Outstanding:* —PC Magazine 24 THE COMPLETE ZEOS 486-33MHz EISA DESKTOP! 15 Quicken 5.0 Intuit The list ranks PC business programs according to the total number of copies shipped to sl6, IW2. The list is based on.
6 is a block?ow diagram of the steps of a routine or protocol followed by the software/program in the infrared generating and transmitting device in carrying out a “SEND. 1R' command routine. 7 is a block?ow diagram of the steps of a routine or protocol followed by the software/program in the infrared. Free download page for Project ZeosLib's ZeosLib is a set of database components for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, MS SQL, Sybase, Oracle and SQLite for Delphi, FreePascal/Lazarus, Kylix and C++ Builder. Error “none of the dynamic libraries can be found: libmysql51.dll, libmysql50.dll, libmysql.dll” pada kasus: Lazarus + Zeosdbo + Mysql. Comments 6 Comments; Categories Lazarus.
Download Shanghai Hindi Movie Songs here. Message Update February 1, 2006 It's almost been a year since this thread started. Many forum viewers have visited and contributed to this thread. A recent post really made this thread show it's true value. The post listed an inventory of 20 computers. This is a special group of enthusiasts.
Our love is computers and our passion is collecting as many flavours of it as we can. If you're visiting this post for the first time or the 10th time, update this thread with updates you have made to your addiction. How many pc's do you own and running what OS's.:D Message Update June 21, 2006 Just got a new laptop. Acer Aspire 5002.
Updated list above Message Update May 27, 2008 Acer Aspire 5002. Runs Ubuntu 8.04 as host and Fedora 9 in Virtualbox Message Update Mar 11, 2009 Got a few more to add to my collection. MAC Book Pro Acer Aspire One Netbook Asus eeePC 1000 - eeebuntu HP 1000 Netbook Cheers and happy collecting.:). I have one pc that I use for school with windows xp.
Its a 2.0 ghz pentium 4 with a gig of ram and a nice video card. I have another pc that I use for a server. At the moment debian is installed on it (fedora was just taking up too much hd space) but I don't have it fully configured. 1.1 ghz duron, 512 megs of ram, 40 gb hdd, onboard everything.
Fairly quiet I have yet another pc partially dismantled in the desk cabinet. Its a dual pentium 3 550 mhz, 512 megs of ram, 20 gb hard drive, i am thinking of removing one of the processors for heat purposes and using it as a router. My last pc is not really mine, its a company issued laptop, but i'm the head of the IT department, so I use it anyway. It has fedora core 3 on it, no plans to change that.
2.66 ghz pentium 4, 40 gb hard drive. The rest is detailed in my signature.
I've been considering to buy nice thin flat screens. My worry is what am I going to do with all that space recovered from the 17inch monitors on my desk?
(I just got a 19' TFT to replace my tube 17' and my 'desk' is a two-foot wide table. I needed the space! Current count: Two self-built desktop boxes (unfortunately in full-tower cases - them suckers is noisy), both on FC3 One IBM T-41, also running FC3 The home-control system and backup firewall on FC1 (if it ain't broke and you don't use it much, don't fix it). I have 6 machines 1) My PC (Dual PIII-S 1266MHz Tualatins @ 1333MHz) 2) Server (Dual PIII-S 1400MHz Tualatins) 3) Router (Single PIII 1000MHz Coppermine) 4) Juke Box (Single PIII-S 1400MHz Tualatin) 5) Secondary PC (Single PIII-S 1266 MHz Tualatin) 6) Dedicated SETI/BOINC cruncher (Single PIII 866MHz Coppermine) I'm a SETI/BOINC junkie - all of the above machines crunch Work Units.