
Sap Sizing Tool For Hardware Sizing Guidelines

Sap Sizing Tool For Hardware Sizing GuidelinesSap Sizing Tool For Hardware Sizing Guidelines

*Next Upcoming Post: SAP S4HANA Hardware Sizing- How to build worlds most cost effective hardware for S4HANA on premise editions. SAP hardware requirements Calculation for right size SAP hardware. Her is the guide tells what to do to add 40% of your total SAPs count to run AFS smoothly.

SAP BW on HANA - Overview SAP Business Warehouse (BW) powered by SAP HANA helps you speed up data analysis by consuming data via a Data Warehouse (DW) for analytical reporting and data analysis. You can achieve key opportunities like real-time data integration and data modeling, and hence real-time BI reporting on large amount of data in the database. Digital Speedo Programming And Correction Software. SAP Business Warehouse continues to act like a powerful data warehouse tool to consolidate master data and provide flexible reporting options. With SAP HANA underneath BW system as a database, you can use a combination of DW capabilities with fast in-memory database to achieve performance improvements and exceptional modeling capabilities. HANA in-memory database is much faster as compared to other common databases like Oracle, SQL Server, and hence DW performs much faster when powered by HANA as database underneath it. It combines the power of both the tools - BW Modeling and HANA in-memory computing engine to process huge amounts of data. BW on HANA supports various exceptional databases and reporting capabilities that are not possible using other databases - like transformations and DSOs are moved to HANA database to provide much faster processing of data, data load performance, query processing and optimization, exceptional HANA modeling capabilities, etc.

Drawbacks of Using SAP BW with Other Databases Following are the drawbacks when you use SAP BW with other databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, and IBM DB2. • Real-time Reporting − Using BW with other databases, you can’t perform realtime reporting as real-time data is not available in the data warehouse. Data is moved to Business Warehouse in batches and hence is not available for real-time reporting. • Implementing Structural Changes − To implement any structure changes, it is very time consuming and a tough task as compatibility is not available with other DB vendors.

To implement any structure changes in Business Warehouse, it takes 2-12 months’ time. • Report Performance − You have to perform report performance optimization and tuning for each application. • Compatibility − Data in Business Warehouse is aggregated and materialized and you can’t get the data at different granularity level. HANA supports aggregations on the fly when the report is executed. As mentioned, HANA is much faster as compared to other databases like Oracle and SQL Server. Hence, when you combine HANA capabilities with BW, you get an exceptional data processing and reporting features. BW on HANA − Key Customers As per SAP, organizations of all sizes and industries around the world are using the power of SAP HANA platform to transform their business and create new value. Myob Accountright Premier Rapidshare Download.

It includes a list of companies from all domains and regions who have adapted HANA as database and used in-memory power of HANA database with BW data warehouse features. You can see the list of all organizations who have adapted SAP BW on HANA using the following link. Procter and Gamble Procter & Gamble has adapted to SAP BW on HANA with the following business transformations. • Reliable, real-time reporting and Better Business Decisions with SAP Software and Services. • 55% database reduction from 36 TB to 16 TB. • 400% increase in data loading speeds. • 35,000 business users supported.