
Smith And Wesson Serial Number Date Range

Smith And Wesson Serial Number Date Range

AGUIRRE Y ARANZABAL. (AYA) SERIALIZATION. 1945 to 1994. From 1945 to 1994 AYA had manufactured over. 600,000 shotguns of all models and grades with all serial numbers assigned in chronological order. 1927-1944 year of manufacture date codes, see. 'Spanish Year Of MFG. Date Codes' in this section. Two pin with large serial number: 1168: 5 How to Identify the Date of Manufacture on Smith & Wesson Pistols by Christopher John. Is there anywhere online where i can. To get to the serial number, you open the cylinder and Serial range 263001 to 536684 The Smith & Wesson. Most modern Smith and Wesson.

Huntingguy, that sounds good. Do you have the number you called? I have mine and my uncles mod 36. I know when I bought mine and I have a vague idea of when my uncle bought his. He's dead now so I can't ask. How did you find the number if you don't still have it?

If all else fails I will join and seek the info on the S&W site above.I think I just called S&W customer service. By Telephone: 1-800-331-0852 (USA) Mon-Fri 8:00AM-8:00PM Eastern Time The number is from the link above.

I am pretty sure that is the one I called. I had an early J frame I wanted to convert to a 32HR so I called. It is possible I got in contact with the custom shop. (No they wouldn't convert it.).

Select Category SMITH & WESSON Current manufacturer located in Springfield, MA, 1857 to date. Partnership with Horace Smith & Daniel B. Wesson 1856-1874. Family owned by Wesson 1874-1965.

S&W became a subsidiary of Bangor-Punta from 1965-1983. Between 1983-1987, Smith & Wesson was owned by the Lear Siegler Co. On May 22, 1987, Smith & Wesson was sold to R. Drop City Tc Boyle Epub Converter. L.

Tomkins, an English holding company. During 2001, Tomkins sold Smith & Wesson to Saf-T-Hammer, an Arizona-based safety and security company. Smith & Wesson was the primary distributor for most Walther firearms and accessories in the United States from 2002-2012. During 2012, Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen and Umarex announced the formation of Walther Arms, Inc. To import, sell, and market all Walther products in the U.S.